Copyright 2009

NierghtravAOnWint’sIf A Teller

a book in 8 chapters and 4 dimensions.
Edited by Simon Lewandowski
Wild Pansy Press, 2011

with image and texts by:

David Berridge, Wayne Clements, Cinzia Cremona, George Eksts, Anna Francis, Hugh Gilmour, Daniel Lehan, Nicholas and Wiebke Morgan, Richard Price, Barbara Ryan, Ben Woodeson.

Price £6.00
ISBN 978-1-900687-37-9
Pages 78
Binding softback
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm

Buy NierghtravAOnWint’sIf A Teller now

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Each chapter lasts one week and is visible 24 hours a day from the street.
Each artist will construct a chapter.
Each artist will embed their work in the previous artist’s.
Each will change, incorporate or move aside what is already in the space to develop a series of unfolding chapters.

The work is rule-based


• 8 chapters will follow a preface and in turn be followed by an afterword

• The order in which artists make a chapter has been randomly determined in advance

• Each chapter will be a response to the previous one

• Material can be introduced into the space but not taken out. anything can be altered, moved, reconstituted (even destroyed) but must stay there till the end.

• The rules are a part of the work so subject to the same rules.

• New rules may be introduced but not removed.

The Artists (in alphabetical order)
David Berridge, Wayne Clements, Cinzia Cremona, George Eksts, Anna Francis, Hugh Gilmour, Daniel Lehan, Simon Lewandowski, Richard Price, Barbara Ryan, Ben Woodeson

The Schedule

Preface , 17-23 September: Simon Lewandowski & Richard Price
Chapter 1, 24-30 September: George Eksts
Chapter 2, 01-07 October
Chapter 3, 08-14 October
Chapter 4, 15-21 October
Chapter 5, 22-28 October
Chapter 6, 29 October- 04 Nov
Chapter 7, 05-11 November
Chapter 8, 12-18 November
Afterword, 19-25 November

We offer the following two passages by way of explanation:

Alternating between second-person narrative chapters of this story are the remaining (even) passages, each of which is a first chapter in ten different novels, of widely varying style, genre, and subject-matter. All are broken off, for various reasons explained in the interspersed passages, most of them at some moment of plot climax.
After reading the first chapter, the reader finds the book is misprinted and contains only more copies of that same chapter. When he goes to return it he is given a replacement book, but this turns out to be another novel altogether. Just as he becomes engrossed in that, it too is broken off: the pages, which were uncut, turn out to have been largely blank.
This cycle repeats itself, where the reader reads the first chapter of a book, cannot find the other chapters in his copy of the book, so he goes out to find another copy. But the new copy he gets turns out to be another book altogether.
...Themes which are introduced in each of the first chapters will then exist in proceeding narrative chapters, such as after reading the first chapter of a detective novel, then the narrative story takes on a few common detective-style themes. There are also phrases and descriptions which will be eerily similar between the narrative and first-chapter chapters.
The ending exposes a hidden element to the entire book, where the actual first-chapter titles (which are the titles of the books that the reader is trying to read) make up a single coherent sentence...

From the entry in Wikipedia describing Italo Calvino’s ‘If On A Winter’s Night A Traveller’

" ... the ... project was, a scheme for entirely abolishing all words whatsoever; and this was urged as a great advantage in point of health, as well as brevity. For it is plain, that every word we speak is, in some degree, a diminution of our lungs by corrosion, and, consequently, contributes to the shortening of our lives. An expedient was therefore offered, that since words are only names for things, it would be more convenient for all men to carry about them such things as were necessary to express a particular business they are to discourse on. ... many of the most learned and wise adhere to the new scheme of expressing themselves by things; which has only this inconvenience attending it, that if a man's business be very great, and of various kinds, he must be obliged, in proportion, to carry a greater bundle of things upon his back, unless he can afford one or two strong servants to attend him...
But for short conversations, a man may carry implements in his pockets, and under his arms, enough to supply him; and in his house, he cannot be at a loss. Therefore the room where company meet who practise this art, is full of all things, ready at hand, requisite to furnish matter for this kind of artificial converse.”

Extract from Jonathan Swift's 'Gullivers Travels'

NierghtravAOnWint’sIf A Teller:
a book in 8 chapters
and 4 dimensions.
Edited by Simon Lewandowski for
24/7Gooden Gallery, 25A Vyner Street, London, E2 9DG.

(week 9: Afterword: Ben Woodeson ”Cadmium Red”)

(week 9: Afterword: Ben Woodeson ”Cadmium Red”)

(week 9: Afterword: Ben Woodeson ”Cadmium Red”)

(week 9: Afterword: Ben Woodeson ”Cadmium Red”)

(week 9: Afterword: Ben Woodeson ”Cadmium Red”)

(week 8: Chapter 8: Barbara Ryan ”Chapitre 8 - Reniflez la Fantaisie!”)

(week 8: Chapter 8: Barbara Ryan ”Chapitre 8 - Reniflez la Fantaisie!”)

(week 8: Chapter 8: Barbara Ryan ”Chapitre 8 - Reniflez la Fantaisie!”)

(week 8: Chapter 8: Barbara Ryan ”Chapitre 8 - Reniflez la Fantaisie!”)

(week 8: Chapter 8: Barbara Ryan ”Chapitre 8 - Reniflez la Fantaisie!”)

(week 8: Chapter 8: Barbara Ryan ”Chapitre 8 - Reniflez la Fantaisie!”)

(week 8: Chapter 7: Cinzia Cremona "Open Up To Me")

(week 8: Chapter 7: Cinzia Cremona "Open Up To Me")

(week 8: Chapter 7: Cinzia Cremona "Open Up To Me")

(week 8: Chapter 7: Cinzia Cremona "Open Up To Me")

(week 8: Chapter 7: Cinzia Cremona "Open Up To Me")

(week 7: Chapter 6: Anna Francis)

(week 7: Chapter 6: Anna Francis)

(week 7: Chapter 6: Anna Francis)

(week 7: Chapter 6: Anna Francis)

(week 6: Chapter 5: Hugh Gilmour)

(week 6: Chapter 5: Hugh Gilmour)

(week 6: Chapter 5: Hugh Gilmour)

(week 6: Chapter 5: Hugh Gilmour)

(week 6: Chapter 5: Hugh Gilmour)

(week 5: Chapter 4: David Berridge DOG MAN’S WEEK OF THE 10,000 STORIES)

(week 5: Chapter 4: David Berridge DOG MAN’S WEEK OF THE 10,000 STORIES)

(week 5: Chapter 4: David BerridgeDOG MAN’S WEEK OF THE 10,000 STORIES)

(week 5: Chapter 4: David Berridge DOG MAN’S WEEK OF THE 10,000 STORIES)

(week 5: Chapter 4: David Berridge DOG MAN’S WEEK OF THE 10,000 STORIES)

(week 4: Chapter 3: Daniel Lehan fears For His Life)

(week 4: Chapter 3: Daniel Lehan fears For His Life)

(week 4: Chapter 3: Daniel Lehan fears For His Life)

(week 3: Chapter 2: Wayne Clements. "A Bethnal Green Mystery Walk")

(week 2: Chapter 1: George Eksts)

(week 2: Chapter 1: George Eksts)

(week 1: Preface: Simon Lewandowski & Richard Price)